Pharmacy Inventory Service Overview

Contact GRx

When it’s time to undertake the rigorous task of performing a physical inventory in your pharmacy, give us a call. Many GRx customers rely on us to provide them with an accurate count of their inventory stock and you can too.

How It Works

You can expect the GRx Inventory team to work quickly and quietly and not disrupt your pharmacy’s daily workflow.  Our team uses proprietary software to ensure accuracy and efficiency.  Your inventory files will be based on the latest pricing and you will get an accurate reflection of what’s in your pharmacy.

Our proprietary software uses a point-of-entry validation system. Each inventory file is tailored to the individual customer using their latest wholesale contracted pricing, not AWP. Coupled with the fact that we bring our entire processing system to your pharmacy, this enables us to present reporting to each customer on-site before our team leaves the pharmacy.

Why it Works

GRx Inventory auditors are certified in pharmaceutical count methods, handling of medications and HIPAA regulations.  Pharmacy inventory is all that the GRx auditors do.  You won’t find them in your pharmacy one day and a giant “big box” retail store the next.  They’re pharmacy inventory specialists and this means you will get the most accurate inventory count and reporting in the industry.

With our vast experience in the pharmaceutical industry we know what it takes to efficiently and accurately complete a physical inventory in a timely manner.

Returns Credit for Inventory

The Returns Credit for Inventory Program has been designed in order to allow hospitals to utilize our service, without any out of pocket expense. Customers of Guaranteed Returns® may be able to pay for their inventory service by using their returns credit.