We’re thrilled to announce launch 2.0 of the GRx Returns on the Web (ROW) inventory tool. With ROW everything is accounted for because you can easily perform an inventory of your unscheduled and scheduled return products before they leave your facility.
ROW takes the guesswork out of your return product inventory list.

Most likely your expired products are being accumulated over time in anticipation of sending in a return. Do you create a hand-written list of products, or use a spreadsheet on the computer? Is the list prepared all at once, or is it a running tally? Are multiple staff members tasked with data entry? How do you ensure accuracy and consistency in product names or NDC numbers? Whatever your inventory practice, the more you do manually, the greater the chance for error.
ROW puts our comprehensive NDC database at your disposal, making return product inventory fast and easy. Your open Inventory sessions can be paused and resumed as often as you need to until your return is complete and you’re ready to ship. Closed sessions are available for three years in your online GRx account. Our convenient and secure online tool is available 24/7 to all GRx customers free of charge.
Don’t create return inventory lists? Start tracking returns in your pharmacy now. ROW is simple to use and can help decrease opportunities for inadvertent waste or diversion while reducing inventory discrepancies from incomplete or inaccurate drug identification. You can also use ROW to request DEA 222 Forms for your return’s CII products and ensure that they are issued promptly and accurately.
Click here to read our blog article about other important features of ROW.
Please contact us with any questions or if we can assist you with using ROW on your next pharmaceutical return.
Many happy returns!