Company Overview
In 1986, GRx took on the challenge facing the pharmaceutical industry nationwide; how to handle expired and unsaleable pharmaceutical products properly and effectively; and the Reverse Distribution industry was born. As the industry leader, we introduced the first comprehensive wholesaler-based batched returns program. Not only did this unburden the larger facilities of the unwieldy and labor-intensive expired returns process, but for the first time, smaller pharmacies’ returns could be combined to meet manufacturer return policy thresholds, making them eligible for credit consideration as well. Consolidation or batching of returns and their associated credits also meant simplification and streamlining of the process for pharmacies of all sizes. In the nearly 35 years since its inception, Grx has steadfastly pursued both technological development and process innovations to meet the ever-changing demands of Reverse Distribution.
We have recruited and trained the best-in-class staff. Ongoing training in all facets of compliance, service, technological expertise, and accessibility are our standard operating procedures. At GRx, our team members are committed to delivering 100% customer satisfaction in every aspect of the returns experience.
To meet that goal, we are dedicated to the constant improvement of our internal and customer-facing technology. We conduct rigorous evaluations, in-depth training for all levels of staff, and continuous quality and compliance reviews with an overarching focus on maintaining our culture of openness, transparency, and unwavering ethical business conduct.
From our longtime employees to the newest hire, we push the envelope every day, searching for the next innovative solution, brainstorming new ideas, and working nonstop to meet the needs of our customers in a fast-paced and constantly changing industry.
GRx stands proud as the pioneer of the Reverse Distribution industry and today we continue as progressive innovators of transparency and technology. With unmatched levels of communication, compliance, and convenience, our team of pharmaceutical returns professionals continues to transform the industry into a powerful business intelligence and investment recovery engine.